
Biblioteka Hellingerowska /wybrane pozycje/

1.  Bert Hellinger "Sumienie miał czyste"  

2.  Bert Hellinger "Porządki miłości"

3.  Bert Hellinger "Odchodzimy spełnieni"

4.  Bert Hellinger "Listy terapeutyczne"

5.  Bert Hellinger "O życiu" 

6.  Bert Hallinger "Miłość szczęśliwa"


Polecana literatura z zakresu neutralizowania traumy

 1. Peter Levina "Walking the Tiger. Healing Trauma"  /North Atlantic Books 1997/

2. Diane Poole Heller / Lawrence Heller "Crash Course. A  Self Healing Guide to Auto Accident and Recovery"  ?North Atlantic Books 2011/

3. Joachim Bauer: "Empatia. Co potrafią lustrzane neurony" (PWN  2008 / Merlin Książki)

Candace Pert: "Molecules of Emotion" (Touchstone 1997)

5. Hans Seyle: "Stress of Life" (1956), "Stress without Distress" (1974)

6.James Oschman: "Energy Medicine. The Scientific Basis" (Churchill Livingstone 2000)

7. Lisabeth Marcher: "Body Encyclopedia: A Guide to the Psychological Functions of the Muscular System" (North Atlantic Books 2010)

8. Thomas Metzinger: "The Ego-Tunnel. The Science of the Mind and the Myth of the Self" (Basic Books 2009)

9. Peter Levine: "Healing Trauma. A Pioneering Program for Restoring   Wisdom of Your Body". (Bargain Price 2005

10. Peter Levine / Maggie Kline: "Trauma Proofing Your Kids" (Randomhouse 2008)

11. .Peter Levine: "In an Unspoken Voice. How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness" (North Atlantic Books 2010)